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"...Amazing experience and improved health after one session! Very impressed."

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A family member had a distant session via proxy with Stephanie. They had been really struggling with dark/suicidal thoughts and excessive drinking. After one session the ugly thoughts lifted and they stopped drinking. To see the change is phenomenal! They are so full of energy now and happy again.

Biomagnetism works and Stephanie is so amazing, talented, and caring.


It works.

I came in to see Stephanie because I was having trouble relaxing and having anxiety problems. She did a session and it slowly went away feeling much better



Recently, I was struggling with extreme fatigue. No matter how much I napped or slept, I just couldn’t shake it.
Stephanie found that I had too much melatonin in my system. I don’t take melatonin so this was a surprise to me. I noticed a difference the next day and Fast forward 6 days and my energy level is back to normal.

Such a wonderful way to heal! No drugs, no shot’s no worries.

Marissa Long

Extremely Beneficial

Let me start by saying that Stephanie is exceptionally kind, patient, and understanding. After many discussions and all I have already gone through, I decided to try this. We did my session through proxy, and I was skeptical about it. I figured if I don’t see any improvement, then there isn’t any hope.

Let me explain my past. For many years, I’ve dealt with pain in my neck and lower back. Going to many chiropractors, I have had no improvement. On top of that, I have struggled with depression and anxiety pretty bad, and throughout the years, it has only gotten worse. I’ve been on medications, which I eventually took myself off of because they weren’t helping. Fast forward over the last two years, I have been battling medical mysteries with many doctors; I prefer to go the homeopathic route as I do not favor Western medicine, but I still had to keep Western medicine doctors in my ring of doctors. I can’t speak about my overall health as I want to follow up with another session. But what I can say is I see a difference in my mental health. I am calmer, more patient, and not easily overstimulated, but most importantly, my neck pain has improved quite a bit, where it is rare that I feel any pain. My husband has since said he could see the difference in my mood. He tells me that even though I still have my moments, it is the fact that he sees me having fun and laughing more than he has seen in a long time, which makes it the biggest improvement he has seen.

Once the session was over, I let out a good cry that came on for unknown reasons. The clarity I was able to see and hear around me was intense, making me a believer in what Stephanie does. I am extremely thankful for Stephanie and all her help thus far.

Christine Z

Amazing and Eye Opening Experience that gave me Hope!

Words cannot express how I felt when Stephanie told me she could help me. For months, I had been dealing with multiple health issues. I had a horrendous bout with Covid, then Influenza A and B, next came Pneumonia, and it never seemed to get better. I was then “diagnosed” with Severe Aortic Valve Stenosis. My “diabetes type 2” was out of control then, and , it has been an ongoing trauma ever sense. Lung and breathing issues, etc.
I am SO GRATEFUL to Stephanie! She opened my eyes with amazing answers after my session, and, she hit the bullseye with what was happening, details, etc. I was so amazed! FINALLY someone is actually listening to me and providing me with real answers.
I am now having no chest pain, feeling hopeful, and working on making my body and mind healthier. I am so very grateful to her! She has changed my life and I continue to see improvements. So happy she has me on the right path and am looking to even more positives on my health as time moves on! HIGHLY recommend Stephanie and Biomagnetism. Wow, it has made all the difference. Thank you so much!

Vichelle Darma

Feeling awful to quick recovery

I was feeling quite awful for days. Week, light headed with huge headaches.
So Stephanie did a remote session on me. Found out I had Covid and pneumonia among other things. Within a few days of her working her magic on me. I’m almost back at full strength.
Thank you Stephanie! I’d recommend you to anyone who needs help!

Josh Bauer

Thank You!

I cannot thank you enough for our conversations today and the Biomagnetism session and detailed report you sent me for my 7 month old grandbaby who has been experiencing terrible rashes for 2 months that doctors can’t figure out. We’ve done everything to no avail.

YOU gave us different answers. YOU gave us hope and helped us to make more informed decisions on the parenting plan going forward. Wow Stephanie, I’m truly thankful and I can only hope maybe this testimony can help others know the value you provide. You are professional and thorough.

I was too emotional and couldn’t seem to work on her myself. Even though I’m trained in several modalities, it took another set of eyes into this situation to see what’s truly at the root.

Thank you and you have my permission to repost and use this as you see fit. I have hope she’ll continue to improve as per your suggestions and I can place some magnets here as well if needed.

Sue Green

Super helpful

I and my daughter have worked with Stephanie using her proxy since we are not local. After using other healing methods for various things, Stephanie’s biomagnetism has been tremendously helpful with alleviating symptoms that we were not able to help previously. Stephanie also gives a written up document with her findings and is able to answer any questions. I love her follow up the following day to check in as well. Proxy work may seem a bit “out there” if you are not used to it, but it works great!



Stephanies healing expertise using biomagnetism is amazing! I was feeling yuck for a week or more and it started to feel like it was affecting my lymph system, I had the worst sinus headache, stiff neck and trouble swallowing. I did not want to be sick over the weekend or risk feeling even worse. Stephanie was able to find and clear the problems. By the time I left her center I was feeling so much better and literally within an hour after I was energetic and felt lighter as of a huge weight had been lifted off me. Seeing Stephanie for biomagnetism is the first place I go when I’m feeling off. This treatment is non invasive, no drugs or shots (not a fan of those 🤢). Stephanie has continued to expand her knowledge and skills. Besides myself I know many people she has helped. If you’re hesitating I say why delay your recovery. Stephanie has a heart of gold and has done so much for so many people.

Michelle Lindquist


Recently, my husband was in a very dark space. He was very emotional and angry, and even went MIA for a day. I knew this was not right, having seen Stephanie myself and having other members of my family get so much help from her and biomagnetism, I knew it was time to get my husband checked out. One of the many great things about biomagnetism is the person does not need to be there. They can get Healing through a proxy, who in this case, was me. I’ve seen this work many multiples of times. I’ve seen biomagnetism take care of physical pains, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, and psychodynamic aggression. Psychodynamic aggression, is what turned out to be my husband’s issue.

After his session, he returned home about four hours later, and was more himself.

The next morning he was happy and joking, he had slept for 11 hours and said he hadn’t felt that rested in a long time he said he would go to work tired and be tired all day. He said his thoughts just kept getting darker and darker and he was reliving past traumas.

As the day progressed and even in to the next day he has become so much more happy, kind and loving. All good amplified versions of his old self.

If you’re hesitating to try biomagnetism, I would say don’t hesitate any longer.
Stephanie is a knowledgeable professional with a very kind heart.



Best Practice for Overall Health

My family has been going to Stephanie for her work in Biomagnetism for a few years now. I prefer her work to any type of allopathic medicine! She has resolved many issues for various members of my family; many things from common colds to bronchitis/pneumonia and even things like anxiety to heartburn. Her work gets down to the essence of the matter; she works with the magnets to clear it, allowing your body to begin the healing process. I’ve brought my youngest with language processing issues to her on many occasions for help with that and other issues; he loves going as he always feels better after a session! Moreover, I’ve brought my elderly parents to her when their health issues begin to mount up again. No matter the age, size, issue, or apprehension of the individual – nearly everyone I have recommended go to her has improved in various ways and is fascinated with the work she does. -MK


No more numbness and tingling!

I had doctored for over 2 years for numbness and tingling in my left leg and foot. Test after test found nothing wrong so I was sent to Physical Therapy twice a week for almost a year. That did not help or change anything so I quit going. A friend told me about Biomagnetism and told me how it had helped her Mother sleep without prescription medication and pain. I’m usually a skeptic when I don’t understand something but one session with Stephanie and I walked out feeling my foot hit the ground again with no numbness or tingling! She explained everything she did and found so nicely that I now tell everyone I know about her. No meds and nothing invasive just placing special magnets on the body in certain places and you don’t feel them. Give her a call if you want to cure a problem in your body rather than be medicated. You won’t be sorry!

Bonnie Dominguez

Life Changing

This has been a life changing experience for me. I was suffering from side effects from the COVID vaccine. Everyday for the last 3 years I have been in pain. I was told by my doctor that I would probably never get the feeling back in my feet and would have to live with neuropathy in my feet for the rest of my life. I was only 42 years old and did not want to live like this. I have tried other treatments and got little improvement. Then I went to Stephanie and within 2 days my pain was almost completely gone!!! I have more energy and much happier person these days. Thank you Stephanie for helping me.

Lisa Sayre

Insomnia Gone

It has been 15 days without Ambien and I’m feeling wonderful!! My sleep is totally different without drugs, I’m energized in the morning and no foggy brain. I use to have to drink coffee every morning for energy or I was dragging all day and have to try and nap. I don’t even like coffee and I haven’t had a cup for 15 days, yeah! I knew Ambien was bad for me but that was the only way I could fall asleep for 30 years. I never dreamed I could get off that awful drug that would give me amnesia which is one of the side effects. I would get up during the night and cook, eat and sometimes clean the house not remembering any of it. My husband even had conversations with me I never remembered! As for dreaming, you don’t dream with Ambien. I have been having wonderful dreams for 2 weeks!! Thank you Stephanie for finding Biomagnetism and helping me and so many others!!



I feel like you saved my life!! Literally! Thank you so much. I don’t think my family could take another loss right now.


Pain Free!

I can say for the first time since 2013 I’ve been at 0/10 pain.


Headaches gone!

I am amazed, I haven’t had a headache since my session. I used to have at least 4 massive, painful headaches a day. I was taking 8-10 extra strength Tylenol a day and even tried migraine medication with no relief. I just had to wait about 4 hours laying down in a quiet space to wait out the pain. So I am doing much better, thank you so much!


Helped to decrease years of pain

Helped to decrease my pain years after a car accident.



If you’re wondering if you should do this just stop wandering and do it. I went and seen Stephanie because my cholesterol was at 375 I get that check next week. But I hurt everywhere my joints hurt my nose hurts I have not been able to breathe comfortably smell or taste food for about seven years now maybe even eight. Oh I can now taste food I can smell food I could taste it I cannot even tell you how amazing it was to take the my first bite and realized I was tasting. I was having pain in my knees I do not have pain in my knees now instantaneous when I got about the table. And I lost 7 pounds Friday to Monday and that was all water retention. So reward yourself.


Amazing experience

Amazing experience and improved health after one session! Very impressed.


Professional and knowledgeable

Professional and knowledgeable. Walked in with chronic pain and since my treatment my pain has significantly decreased. She cares for her patient’s well-being. I recommend everyone to use her services.



Today I had the awesome privilege of a Biomagnetic therapy session from Stephanie! I have been plagued with pretty constant lower back/hip pain for at least 9 years. Stephanie placed the magnets on my back and by the end of our session the pain was gone and I was able to move my hips so much more freely. Also I felt out of sorts and maybe mildly depressed the last few days. By the time I left, I was my happy self and also felt lighter as if a weight had been lifted from me.

There’s so much more I experienced, I urge you to go experience this for yourself. I know everyone could benefit from this.

Thank you Stephanie for bringing this amazing service to our community.


Amazing and kind

Stephanie has been such a blessing and help to my family and friends. She goes above and beyond. Last year my Dad had a very scary heart episode that led to v-tach, being put on a ventilator 2 times totaling 21 days and a very extended hospital stay. I was able to see Stephanie as a proxy for my Dad. I am happy to say Dad is at home and continues to improve. I have no doubt the use of biomagnetism was very instrumental in his recovery.

My husband who had a heart attack 2 years ago and has had 5 stents finally made the time to see Stephanie. He was always out of breath. After only 1 session he has eliminated 2 medications and is breathing so much better.

Rory had a gout flare up and with Stephanie’s direction magnets to the rescue:

Stephanie does amazing work and is such a kind person.


Lots of improvements

I started seeing Stephanie just a short time ago on the therapy. And I had some very interesting results. First off I did sleep much better after the first session. I have had more energy and my sinus have cleared up quite a bit. I was noticing that even my balance had improved. I usually
have lots of sinus problems and this helped to drain them well for a change. I felt it as soon as I stood up after my first session. I also noticed that my sense of smell was not as strong as it used to be and with the properly placing of some magnetics on my nose I have been able to
smell much better than I have in about a year. I look forward to more help in the future sessions. Thank you!


Thank you!

Hi my name is Sharon and I visited Stephanie France September 19th at the Biomagnetism Therapy Center in East Grand Forks MN my experience was Stephanie is very professional she made me relaxed as I was unsure about the appointment Stephanie is knowledgeable of this therapy and talking to me about the what and why and how this should help me during session and I sure slept good Sunday night also stiffness in my knees. I will be back for another session. Thank you Stephanie France see you soon.

